Sunday, August 29, 2010

Convergence Media

I think that convergence media will have a huge impact in my choice field (journalism) and is a significant development in the industry. The public expects to receive their news immediately and efficiently, and with the help of technology this is becoming more and more the norm. Reporters and journalists are using more platforms to get news to their readers quicker.

Now, with things such as Facebook and Twitter, along with the help of smart phones, people can see their news when they want, where they want, and how they want, fixed with links, images and video. Not only is the audience benefiting from this, but news organizations are gaining profit by expanding their readership and making news more convenient.

I think that this will also make journalism as a whole easier for the journalist because they will be able to use their own smart phones and Twitters, etc., to reach their audiences. Posting links to these social networking sites also allows the journalist to provide more information to the audience without necessarily having to research and write it themselves.

In conclusion, convergence media is very important to today's news industry and to the reader. Now reporters and journalists alike can spread news to their readers quicker and on multi platforms. Readers can get their news when they want it, where they want and how they want it with links and images to expand the news process. Overall, convergence will play a key role in the future of journalism.


  1. great point about how now because of facebook and twitter along with many other things people can see the news they want when, where, and how they want. its crazy to think how things were back only ten years ago, its crazy how much a difference things were back then to now and how we got our news back then and now. There are so many other ways now, its crazy.

    good blog i liked your points on media convergence and the others sound great too.

  2. I agree with your statement that social media allow audiences to get their news faster. I feel, however, that this "fastness" may cause the journalistic quality of news to decline. The emphasis may be on breaking the story before the next journalist does. This ultimately leads to poor writing, less fact checking, etc. My hope is that the jounralistic quality remains in tact while allowing the audience to recieve their news immediately!

  3. I agree with the second comment, I think with how immediate everyone wants news it degrades the quality of the news. Not to say each story needs a week to get put together, but with how quick the industry has demanded news, facts get missed and sources aren't checked. I hope journalists watch out for this and write each story thoroughly.
