Thursday, October 7, 2010

Social Networking and Presentations-Comm404

My last blog involved some people questing whether social networking sites will be affected or taken over by corporations, and in response to this my answer is: I hope so!!!

Chipotle is one of the many businesses that takes advantage of this. This restaurant chain has both a Twitter and a Facebook page where they promote any specials they have as well as events that occur, such as a burrito giveaway. By being a part of these social networking sites they're reaching out to a more broad audience and letting them be a part of the marketing process. I found that a lot of people participate on the FB page while over 7,000 people follow the unofficial Chipotle Twitter account.

Meanwhile, all the presentations that I have seen over the last 2 weeks in class were very informative. I learned things about the internet and its tools that I didn't know before, which is helpful for when I'm out in the journalism field. I feel more prepared now about things such as Skype, Hulu, word of both advertising, internet security/privacy and other issues.


  1. I think many businesses that participate in soical networking sites are rewarded with a lot of consumers that become interested or more interested in their business. It is a great way to advertise and promote products and specials! Social networking sites are so constructive and do reach to such a huge audience that any business could not go wrong when choosing to mangae a social network account.

  2. wow i didn't know that about Chipotle, thats really interesting and smart. that would totally benefit companies to get on social sites, connect directly with your audience and make them interested in your company with things like coupons and such, thats a great idea. more should definitely do it.

    Do you think now with all these social networks that the population is constantly on and with these companies do you think that it would be smart for them to just do their main advertisements on social networks and cut out things like commercials or magazine ads ect.? i don't know, its interesting to think about because the whole way of advertising completely changing. interesting to think about....
